Category: For the Technically Inclined
These are deeper studies from Greek & Hebrew into various words, doctrines, Scriptures.
Mike Hoesch – Getting Sickness Out of Your Mind Video 2 Study #1: “How Sickness Gets Written On Your Heart/Mind”
Become A ‘Spiritual Mechanic’ Pt. 2 by Ann Windsor 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show yourself an approved spiritual mechanic Psalm 103:7: God made known His acts to the children of Israel, but he made his WAYS known to Moses. A ‘spiritual mechanic’ has learned the WAYS that God does His Acts. Becoming a Spiritual […]
Become A ‘Spiritual Mechanic’ and keep your spiritual life ‘running’ well! by Ann Windsor 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show yourself an approved spiritual mechanic Defining ‘Mechanic” 1. Skilled Tradesperson: This is the most common understanding of a mechanic. A skilled professional who diagnoses, repairs, and maintains mechanical systems and machinery. This can include: cars, […]
Looking into the meaning of, ‘by His Stripes you are/were healed” in the original Hebrew & Greek.
by Ann Windsor We live in a material world of 3 dimensions: length, width and height. Ecclesiates 3:11 says that God has set a 4th dimension in your heart/your spirit/ your inner hidden person. A few days ago, the Holy Spirit said to me: “You must make your mind think upon what your spirit sees.” […]