Tag: Freedom from Sickness
Romans 8:2 speaks of TWO laws. The law of sin & death. The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. The law of sin and death ruled you like a ‘strong man armed’. Jesus overthrew the strong man with a greater law: The Law of the Spirit of Life. The Spirit of Life….is […]
If you are having issues with sickness and disease, there is none of them outside the range of being affected by God’s Living Word. Eat…feed don’t just read. Follow the directions for taking given in Proverbs 3 and you will see the results. Faithfulness in taking is the key. This is Part 1 where I […]
Click to open this short document for help in receiving healing: The Healing of the Leper devotion
God’s Word is “health” to those who find it. Do you need healing/health/wellbeing in your physical body. God’s Word WILL produce these things for you. Remember Israel….when they were brought out of Egypt there ‘wasn’t a feeble one among them’, and right away God revealed Himself to them as the “Lord your Physician”, Ex. 15:26. […]
“The new Law of your new being”…..Romans 8:2. Today’s broadcast will be exciting to your new man…..he will hear how liberated he is! This verse in Romans I like to call the ‘granddaddy’ of the study on divine healing. This is the culmination of Isaiah 53….the sufferings of the Servant! I believe this broadcast will […]
Prov. 4:20-22 tells us if we will attend to the Word of God we will have life and health to all our flesh. There are several ways of obtaining healing…this one, the Word, is available to everyone. If you need healing in your body, or just wellness in general, tune in this week as […]
Defining the ‘Law of Life in Christ Jesus” A Ruling Principle in the Life of the Believer Here are some truths that will make your spirit bold against sin; confident in your relationship with God; edifying to your faith; and change your outlook. Read, enjoy and meditate until your mind is renewed with the knowledge […]
Romans 8:2: ‘the granddaddy of the Scriptures pertaining to our freedom in Christ’! “For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus HAS SET ME FREE from the Law of sin and death.” FREEDOM – FREEDOM – FREEDOM For freedom – from sin, sickness, spiritual death – did Christ set us free. The […]