Tag: The Mystery of God
Click to open a PDF document of this final portion of the above sermon. The audio is available on Youtube. PDF: John G Lake “Christ Liveth in Me” Pt 3
Click to open a PDF document of this sermon portion – you can access the audio that goes with it on Youtube: John G Lake “Christ Liveth in Me” Pt 2
Click to open a PDF file of the first portion of the above sermon by John G. Lake. You will find Scriptures at the end from Colossians 1:26-27. PDF: John G Lake “Christ Liveth in Me” Pt 1
Here for your study pleasure is some manna for the spirit man. Your New Man wants to find out who he is! Click to open PDF file – 10 pages: THE NEW MAN STUDY Ephesians 4.24
When you became a Christian, you didn’t know it at the time, but you were ‘grafted into a Covenant. Jesus called this, ‘the New Testament in my Blood’. There are many benefits for you in this Covenant. This Covenant is held in heaven, where no thief can steal, no moth can eat and no rust […]
In our opening broadcast on this topic, we looked at foundational scriptures showing that the ‘gospel’ or message that the apostle Paul preached were not of human origin. We seek to hear from Heaven. We love to hear the voice of our Good Shepherd. Hearing from Heaven is a revelation of knowledge which God […]
Click to access PDF of Scriptures relating to Paul’s conversion, receiving the mystery of Christ in You, and the benefit of our obedience to walk in the mystery: Paul’s Gospel..Looking into the mystery