Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get wisdom and with all the getting of wisdom, get understanding of how to apply it also…..Proverbs 4:7. 1 Chronicles 12:32 And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do. Matthew 16:3 And in the morning, […]
Course description: Many teachings for women cover the roles or functions that they fulfill in this life. I want to focus on WHO YOU ARE. Fulfilling life successfully, begins, not with your roles or functions as a woman, but with who you are as a spirit who is “IN Christ”. Foundational Verses for Our Study: […]
When you became a Christian, you didn’t know it at the time, but you were ‘grafted into a Covenant. Jesus called this, ‘the New Testament in my Blood’. There are many benefits for you in this Covenant. This Covenant is held in heaven, where no thief can steal, no moth can eat and no rust […]
Do not settle for living a life of ‘three steps forward, two steps back’. New Creations in Christ grow out of that by becoming strong through the Word abiding in them and then practicing it by overcoming the wicked one, daily – hourly – moment by moment. Yes, Believer, it is attainable!
This is the first of a three part study on: God the spirit Man the spirit Satan the spirit In this ‘school of pneumatology’, God should be the first study. He is A Spirit (Pneuma, Greek) and He is also the Father of spirits – those made in His image that He named ‘mankind’. I […]
In our opening broadcast on this topic, we looked at foundational scriptures showing that the ‘gospel’ or message that the apostle Paul preached were not of human origin. We seek to hear from Heaven. We love to hear the voice of our Good Shepherd. Hearing from Heaven is a revelation of knowledge which God […]
Click to access PDF of Scriptures relating to Paul’s conversion, receiving the mystery of Christ in You, and the benefit of our obedience to walk in the mystery: Paul’s Gospel..Looking into the mystery
Please don’t pick up a stone yet…..hear me out. Paul said (KJV) that one day God would judge the world, ‘by my gospel’. This can be interpreted with the emphasis on ‘God will judge the world one day’ ACCORDING TO MY GOSPEL. In other words, the fact that God would one day judge the world […]
This is an excerpt from one of John Lake’s sermons. You will find that he dispenses with this quite nicely.
This wonderful picture shows the three realms in which the believer functions. Spiritual mechanics are the ‘tools’ in your toolbox that enable you to be a good ‘mechanic’ in all three. Pat and I are very practical….we like to get down to the ‘nuts and bolts’ of how what we are teaching you actually works, […]